April 15'


April 1: jump 6L&9L huge day. 6L pole pr 4.75 15.0 grip 15' step 12'6 start 89' 9L 132'4 4.90 16.5,16,0 step 12'10 13'/sushi/lift

April 2: warm up sprint tech/hurdle tech/bubkas in weight room/core with the girls

April 3: rehab stretch roll ice leg

April 4: jump UF 5.25m 4.90 16.5 then 16.0 at 5.41 start 132'8 cross/head/dead wind felt good light pain in calve/hammy step 13'

April 5: run 200s x4 sore as shizza, 27.9, 28.03, 28.4, 25.62 ops/30leg lifts

April 6: coach, shakeout pole tech hurdle walks

April 7: jump 6L 87'9" 12'1 4.75 16.5 14'10 grip. Heavy legs jumped solo not even a coach, bad day/lift

April 8: pole tech/bars/REHAB/bar core

April 9: shake out/boots/stretch

April 10: jump usf 6L 16.5 grip 14'10 step 12 start 88' 9L 132'4 pole 4.75 & 5m 17.2-16.0 spirit grip 15'2" cleared 5.20, 5.30m step 13' run 5x100m 70%

April 11: rest /coach

April 12: trail riding, many miles, stretch roll

April 13: sprint tech, pole tech (wall crossbar drill) coach, lift core light

April 14: jump 6 & 9L 15 jumps total/lift/core hard

April 15: run tall/4x3x30

April 16: light bike/core light

April 17: rest/stretch/roll

April 18: jump Clermont

April 19: rest surf fish stretch

April 20: work paul

April 21: work matt

April 22: run 120,100,50x3 fast great day

April 23: work matt

April 24: jump 6L AHS start 87'6 step 12 4.75 16.5 grip 14'9 great top hand pressure

April 25: 10m jog on trail/light plyo/bwsquats/pushups

April 26: run 6x80m dirt road sprints (good form)

April 27: work w/paul

April 28: bike

April 29: shakeout/roll/boots/stretch/ice calfs

April30: jump UCF 1st 5.31m 4.90 16.0 grip 15'3 step 13' start 131'6 flat 13' needed to be 12'6ish felt fast tall and like I'm me and having fun! First bar was on 4.75 15.0 then 5.20 same pole 5.31 went to 4.90 16.0

Weight room

April 1: leg press 5x4 160x3 175x2 M

muscle ups 4x5

Glute push back 4x4 60,70,80,90

lab row 4x4 65lbs

Ball hammy bridge pull 3x5each

April 6: incline press 5x4 60,65,70,75s MH

back hypers 3x8 25lbs

hand stand push ups 4x5

db should press fast 3x4 35s

April 7: leg press 5x4 170lb each MH

glute push back 4x4 70,80,90,100

Muscle ups 3x5

Lava row 4x3 70lbs hurts cause the pole break

hammy bridge alt holds 3x5ec (ground)

box drops downs 4x3 (bench height)

April 13 incline press 4x3 ML

back hypers

hand stand push ups 4x3

DB should press 3x3 25s


April 14 leg press 4x3 135 ML

Glute push back 4x3 60---

muscle ups 3x3

Lava row bar---maybe 3x3

box drops 4x2

box jumps 4x2

No lifting worked at home