June 13


June 1: Daytona Rained out! AHS pole runs 10x9L with pole/plyos

June 2: lift Aaron's house

June 3: Rest, Welcomed Paislee Rae to the world!! 6:05am

June 4: Jump 9L 28jumps step 132' pole 4.90 17.6 grip 15'4 cleared 5.30m

June 5: lift/bike

June 6: travel

June 7: shake out

June 8: Vault in the Ville Louisville KY 5.51m 9L 133' step 13' pole 5m 17.8 grip 15'11" Grip PR

June 9: travel home

June 10: roll/stretch/rest

June 11: run 6x50m on grass/accelerations with high knees/lift

June 12: 15min bike/roll/boots/ice

June 13: Jump 6L pole 4.75 16.o grip 15' step 12'-12'6 slow and tired eh

June 14: Lift/boots/ice

June 15: rest

June 16: rest

June 17: jump 6L pole 4.75 15.6 grip 15'1 step 12'8 start 88'3 jump count

June 18: leave for Iowa

June 19: shake out 5x50m/ice

June 20: shake out/ice

June 21: Jump USA Champs NH pole 5m 17.8 & 17.2 grip 15'10" step 12' start 133'3

June 22: rest/travel

June 23: rest

June 24: Jump 6L pole 4.75 17.3-15.6 grip 14'10"-15' step 12'6 start 88'6

June 25: lift/ice

June 26: rest/abs

June 27: shake out/rain

June 28: jump 6L pole 4.75 16.0 grip 14'10 start 88'4"

June 29: rest ploys/sleds 4x50 25lbs

June 30: rest


June 2: Bench 4x4 195lbs

Pendlay row 4x4 125lbs

Bicep curls 3x6 35s

June 5: push jerk 4x3 135lbs

incline bench 4x4 65,75s

back hypers 5x5 45lbs

overhead lat pull 3x5 180lbs

seated row 4x3 95ea

biceps 4x5 bar

June 11: bench 4x4 195lbs

back hypers 5x5 45lbs

June 14: push jerk 2x4,2x2 115, 125lbs

back hypers 5x5

overhead lat pull 4x4 125lbs

bicep/tricep cir 3x5x5 bar

June 25: snatch 4x2 95lbs

speed push jerk 4x3 135lbs

pendlay row 4x 135lbs

back hypers 4x8 bw

incline db press 4x4 55, 60,65,70ers

tricep push downs 4x10

overhead lat pull 4x5 125lbs

slow bubkas 5x4

June 28: lat pull 4x4 125lbs

seated row 4x4 165lbs

bench 4x4 175-205lbs

biceps 4x5 25-45ers

planks 30,45,1,45,30