

Sept 1: hike in the woods

Sept 2: hike in the woods

Sept 3: surf/1 mile on the dirt road with Jo

Sept 4: work/hung my last tree stand/lift/back to Tampa

Sept 5: lift/box jumps

Sept 6:10x100 barefoot on the grass/med ball abs

Sept 7: pole tech (new carry practice) grass drills, ect./lift

Sept 8: 1000m swim/abs/stretch/roll

Sept 9: rest

Sept 10: lift

Sept 11:

Sept 12: lift

Sept 13: plyos

Sept 14: lift/long run/heading home

Sept 15: opening morning archery!!!! woods woods woods

Sept 16: Hunt/work

Sept 17: Hunt/work

Sept 18: 10x100 on the grass

Sept 19: stadiums

Sept 20: swim 500m

Sept 21: mile run/lift

Sept 22: rest

Sept 23: rest

Sept 24: lift /200,150,100,150,200/200,150,100

Sept 25: bike

Sept 26: plyos/stadiums/lift

Sept 27: swim

Sept 28: rest

Sept 29: rest

Sept 30: hunt/20min run

Weight room

Sept 4:

Sept 5:

Sept 7:

Sept 10:

Sept 12:

Sept 14: